
The Huffington Post and the Hollywood left

Matt O'Connor Contributor
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The liberal apologetics of Bill Maher, the fourth-rate comedian in a third-rate time-slot, comes to us via The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington’s Grecian formula of liberal blogging and left-turn journalism.  The Huffington Post has become an interesting amalgamation of liberal senators, congressmen and administration officials writing liberal script. But it doesn’t end there. That liberal script is often juxtaposed with the political opinions of the Hollywood left — people like Harry Shearer (voice of the Simpsons cartoon characters), Alec Baldwin, Mia Farrow and Nora Ephron (the screen writer who wrote the movies, When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle).  I guess her zany sis Amy Ephron was just too zany to include in the mix (several years ago, I attended a business meeting at Amy Ephron’s West L.A. home and um . . . zany is all I can say).  I guess even the Huffington Post has its limits.

Reading HuffPo (as its founder likes to call it) is truly a trip into the Land of Oz. Last week, for example, the HuffPo faithful were treated to an opinion piece by Larry Flynt, the founder of the x-rated Penthouse Magazine, about the exploitation of women. I guess Larry doesn’t  look at the pictures in his flagship mag much anymore.  I mean really, Larry Flynt, writing an opinion piece on the ills of society?  I guess if you live long enough, you see just about everything, including the following HuffPo aphorism penned by Flynt on gender discrimination: “. . . A country that discriminates against half its population cannot be held up as a great democracy.”

And now onto that three pound sack of loony tunes in a two pound bag: the sardonic liberal comedic smarm Bill Maher.  Maher is the comedian who gained notoriety as the host of the show “Politically Incorrect,” which aired from 1993 to 2003 on Comedy Central and later ABC. Maher currently hosts HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.’”

Maher once equated retarded children with dogs; defined the 9/11 terrorists as “non-cowards” and insinuated that American soldiers, not terrorists, are the real cowards.  And of course, Maher is the one who, during the height of the Obamacare fiasco last year, stated on the “Conan O’Brien Show” that Obama should forget about trying to get 60 votes, because “he only needs 51. Forget getting the 60 votes or 60 percent — 60 percent of people don’t believe in evolution in this country — he just needs to drag them to it, like I said, they’re stupid; get health care done, with or without them.”

Maher is indeed a rather unique specimen of liberalism; one who apparently is willing to make excuses for his own failures to win an Emmy Award despite having been nominated 22 times. Maher explains away his sans Emmy stature by blaming his own atheism.  He says that it is because of his outspoken aversion to religion and atheistic that he has been shafted by the Emmy gods. In Maher’s world, the comfort food of mashed potatoes and gravy is swapped out for that of intellectualized religion bashing and atheism preaching — I guess this provides more taste to Maher’s slanderous and atheistic taste buds.  So when all else fails, blame it on religion.  It couldn’t be an issue of talent. Nope, in Maher’s world, religion is to blame.

It was only natural for Huffpo to air a piece today titled, Bill Maher: I’ll Never Win An Emmy Because I’m Atheist. After all, Bill Maher also doubles as one of those indispensable Huffpo opinion writers — that is, when Huffpo isn’t publishing the breathless insight of Mia Farrow, Alec Baldwin, Larry Flynt, Nora Ephron and Harry Shearer.

Matt O’Connor is a freelance writer and founder of Clarion Advisory, LLC, a media production company, and serves as the executive editor of Clarion Advisory.com, a website featuring political commentary and the continuous aggregation of national and international news covering politics and business. Prior to forming Clarion Advisory, Matt worked as a broker and vice president within a Fortune 250 company on the West Coast.