
Ingraham: Flake ‘Sounded Like An Out-Of-Touch Narcissist’

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Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Friday said that retiring GOP Sen. Jeff Flake “sounded like an out-of-touch narcissist” when explaining his decision to help delay the final vote on Judge Kavanaugh until a week-long FBI investigation could be conducted.


After first stating his intent to vote for Kavanaugh, Flake later switched course after an hour-long meeting with Delaware Sen. Chris Coons and an earlier confrontation at an elevator with two protesters who told the Arizona senator they were sexual assault survivors.

To Ingraham, after Flake was “accosted by a liberal smear storm in the form of people who say they’ve been sexually abused” he simply “couldn’t stand the heat” and changed his position. Former Trump campaign staffer David Bossie agreed, saying that Flake got “bullied by some of these protesters but also by Senate Democrats.”

“So this was a big ruse,” said the Fox News host. “It’s not about Dr. Ford. This is about digging up new dirt or doing whatever it is they do over there to get people to come forward 36 years later.” (RELATED: ‘One Of The Highlights Of My Career’ — Lindsey Graham Opens Up About His Powerful Defense Of Kavanaugh)

“I’m sorry, but I thought Jeff Flake sounded like an out-of-touch narcissist today with these comments,” she continued. “Like, ‘I’m Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, I’m going to save the whole process.’ The process was polluted by an uncorroborated allegation being used to smear a man who’s been in public life for almost three decades. So Jeff Flake, sorry, you’re a little late for that one.”

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