
Northeastern University Dismisses 11 Students For Violating Social Distancing Rules, Won’t Refund Their Tuition

Ritu Manoj Jethani /

Adam Barnes General Assignment Reporter
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Northeastern University announced Friday that it dismissed 11 students for violating the university’s social distancing guidelines.

The university found 11 students in one room at a Westin Hotel in Boston, which serves as a dormitory this semester, without masks and not practicing safe distancing, according to the Boston Globe.

The private university will not be refunding each students’ $36,500 semester tuition. Though the students can appeal the university’s decision, per the report. (Related: As COVID-19 Cases Surge On Campus, University Of Illinois Blames Students)

Universities across the country are dealing with their own respective campus outbreaks and advising students to act safely or risk further spread. But public health experts advise campus leaders that even if students become infected, they should remain on campus. Otherwise, students risk carrying the virus home with them.

Northeastern University senior vice chancellor for student affairs Madeleine Estabrook previously warned students that they risked suspension if they did not follow university social distancing policies.

“Students who host an unsafe (no masks and without healthy distancing) gathering, social or party, either on or off-campus can expect suspension,” Estabrook wrote in an email to students, as reported by Northeastern. “Students who attend an unsafe gathering, social or party, either on or off-campus, can expect suspension.”

The 11 students will be allowed to return for the spring semester, a campus spokesperson said, according to the report.