The Mirror

Since When Is ‘Sucks’ A Swear Word?

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
Font Size: editor-in-chief Ezra Klein knows how to use the word “fuck” just like the rest of us, as evidenced in a recent takedown piece by Politico‘s Dylan Byers about how Vox hasn’t lived up to its hype.

“Of course the Times and the Post will still f—-ing be around,” he snapped, discussing the potentially waning future of legacy media outlets like his former employer, The Washington Post.

So then why does the site’s editors consider “sucks” to be a swear word? 

In one of their explainer stories on swearing–for fuck’s sake did we really need this?–they come up with “5 surprising things scientists have discovered about swearing.”

No story on a site run by Ezzy would be complete without charts, graphs and nerdy explanations.

In a chart labeled “Frequency of swear words,” they include “fuck, shit, hell, damn, ass, bitch and suck(s) [sic].”

Really, sucks?

See the whole goddamn thing here. And be careful about using the word “cunt.” It can apparently make a person sweaty.