The Mirror

Dylan Byers Tears Ligament While Surfing

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Politico‘s newly LA-based media reporter Dylan Byers hasn’t succumbed to dreadlocks just yet. But these days he is doing his fair share of surfing.

And with that, comes accidents. In fact, Byers recently tore a ligament in his left thigh while surfing in nearby Malibu.

With sun-kissed locks, Byers took to the waves, leaving all thoughts of Politico crap and deadlines behind him as he paddled out to sea.

“Surfs up dude!” he called out.

But then: “F–king sh-t HELP!” he said, grabbing for the vicinity of his calf and thigh.

On Twitter he tried to play down his pain. “Oh, it’s nothing, man,” he later wrote, eliciting 500 “favorites” and 237 retweets.

A Mirror source, an ex-Politico reporter who now lives in Malibu, says lifeguards quickly pulled Byers from the ocean.

A doctor was called to the scene.

Ironically his name was Dr. VandeHei.

Byers, whose blood contained no traces of marijuana, had no comment by Mirror press time.

Next up: emergency surgery and…

Seriously….you fell for Dylan Byers having a doctor named Dr. VandeHei?

April Fools!
