Amazon, Known For Selling Stuff, Rakes In Golden Globe Nominations

Jack Kocsis Director of Commerce
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How the world has changed. I’m old enough to remember when Amazon was best known as an online retailer, selling things like books. Now, here we are in 2016, and Amazon is getting nominated for Golden Globes. What a time to be alive.

In total, Amazon received 11 Golden Globe nominations. Five of them were for “Manchester by the Sea,” including Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Actress (in the drama category) as well as Best Director and Best Screenplay. One was for foreign language film “The Salesman.” In the television category, Amazon got two nominations each for “Transparent” and “Mozart in the Jungle.” Rounding out the list is a best actor recognition for Billy Bob Thornton in a TV drama for original series “Goliath.”

I don’t know what “Goliath” is, but it has to be better than “Transparent” or “Mozart in the Jungle.” As for “Manchester by the Sea,” that is the hottest movie right now, with heavy praise going to Casey Affleck’s performance. I know I want to see it.

WATCH The Trailer For “Manchester by the Sea“: