
Have You Seen Amanda Bynes Lately? You May Not Want To

(Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images)

Jena Greene Reporter
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Former child star Amanda Bynes infamously stepped away from her high-profile life several years ago to focus on a career in fashion and her mental health. She was previously hospitalized for a psychiatric breakdown in 2013 after she soaked her dog in gasoline and was determined to suffer from a severe bout “with schizophrenic tendencies.

But now she’s 31 years old, enrolled at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in Los Angeles, and she appears to be cleaning her life up. But after she announced she wants to possibly get back into acting and piqued the public interest again, she’s been photographed a few times recently and the photos are less than flattering.

First, she emerged on Twitter last month out to dinner with some girlfriends.

“Dinner with friends at Girasol,” the actress tweeted out in February.

And this week she was photographed again in some more…let’s say candid photos.

It’s not clear what her future plans are but as long as she’s not dousing her dog in gasoline we’ll leave her alone. Probably.

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