
Raj Shah Calls Out CNN’s Wolf Blitzer — ‘Americans That Don’t Work For CNN’ Care About Other Issues

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah didn’t like CNN host Wolf Blitzer’s questioning Friday when he appeared on his show.


“I just want to be precise,” Blitzer said. “You’re cooperating with the special counsel Robert Mueller. You say that. Are you also cooperating with the U.S. attorney in New York in this separate criminal probe of Michael Cohen?”

Shah responded, “And as I said, Michael Cohen and his attorney can address those matters…”

“But is the White House cooperating–Is the White House cooperating with the U.S. attorney in New York?”

“Wolf, Wolf, I’m not aware of the U.S. attorney in New York asking the White House for anything,” Shah said. “So what I just–what I will simply state is that matters pertaining to Michael Cohen can be answered by him and his attorney.”

Blitzer asked, “But is the president concerned about this broadening of the investigation?”

That’s when Shah lost his patience.

“Hold on, hold on, Wolf, you’re asking the same question 30 different ways,” Shah said. “What I can tell you is that Michael Cohen and his attorney can respond to questions about Michael Cohen. I’m here to talk about the other issues that everybody of the 300 million Americans that don’t work for CNN actually care about.”

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Justin Caruso