
US Attorney Rips White Supremacist Allegations Against His Wife Stemming From Kavanaugh Hearing


Mike Brest Reporter
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United States Attorney John Bash attacked the white supremacist allegations that are now being associated with his wife, Zina Bash, over the way her hands rested during Tuesday’s congressional confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh.

Bash is a former Kavanaugh clerk who previously worked in President Donald Trump’s administration. With her arms crossed, it appeared as if Bash was making an “Okay” sign on her forearm. That hand gesture is allegedly associated with white supremacy. (RELATED: Liberals Accuse Woman Sitting Behind Kavanaugh Of Being A White Supremacist – She’s Actually A Hispanic Descendent OF Holocaust Survivors)

Her husband adamantly refuted the accusations on Twitter. He called them a “vicious conspiracy theory,” and explained that his wife is Mexican and her grandparents were Holocaust survivors.

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