
OPINION: There’s No Such Thing As A Politically Correct Halloween

YouTube/ Teen Vogue

Armando Simón Forensic Psychologist
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It’s October. It’s autumn. Halloween will soon be here, and you know what that means: accusations of “cultural appropriation,” “insensitivity” and “racism” will be flying through the air faster than witches on broomsticks.

In the past, university administrators have told students what costumes they cannot wear.

Colleges such as Arizona State University, Ohio University, Towson University, DePauw University and others, in their constant drive for politically correct indoctrination and total, mindless conformity have condemned certain ethnic-based costumes because they have declared that it is cultural appropriation and even viewing them could just simply be too traumatic for some.  

Two costumes have been roundly condemned: one, a space alien mask in an orange overall with a green card (an illegal alien) and two, an overall suit that looks like a stack of bricks and has the words “Trump’s wall” or “Mexico will pay” written on it.

Some schools in both Canada and America decided to ban Halloween altogether in order to accommodate the sensibilities of minorities — except none of the minorities asked for it!

Instead, white leftists decided that THEY were the vanguard, THEY would be the spokespersons for the cultural minorities, THEY would be the minorities’ champions. The same is true in regards to the transgender movement.

However, consider the fact that the idea of “cultural appropriation” is a two-edged sword which now needs to be unsheathed. So far, it has been one-sided. Forget for a moment that the concept is one conceived by cretins.

Forget that it is primarily pushed by whites who believe that THEY are the champions of oppressed minorities. Forget also that it has spread like a disease to Canada. And forget that some think that there is nothing offensive about it while others think it is an outrageous, indefensible, crime.

What about black Congresswoman Frederica Wilson wearing a cowboy hat? Surely that classifies as cultural appropriation.

And blonde, blue-eyed, Senator Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren’s claim to be Native American, which facilitated her entry into colleges and obtaining jobs? That is definitely cultural (or is racial?) appropriation.

Isn’t the musical “Hamilton” clearly a prime example of cultural appropriation — the story of American independence — by blacks and Puerto Ricans?

What about historical films made in Hollywood of Vikings that include blacks — as Vikings? Or as European aristocracy — in the 1770s?


In the Netflix series, “Troy,” the Greek hero is portrayed as black. And Beethoven, we are told, was really black.


In a film about Robin Hood is (again!) being re-re-re-remade, blacks are in the movie as main characters — in Medieval England!


Recently, the buzz around Hollywood is that the new James Bond will be … black. In the movie “Skyfall,” we were given to understand that 007 had had a homosexual affair.

Now, if all this is not cultural appropriation, what is?

In the realm of comic books, liberals transformed Spider-Man into a black and Hispanic, while the Norse god Thor was given a sex change and Batwoman is now a lesbian. And Dr. Who is now … a bald-headed black woman spouting asinine feminist slogans.

Surprisingly, sales of comic books have dropped.

In the computer game DomiNations, the Carthaginian/Phoenician general Hannibal is portrayed as a black man.

Those persons who have objected to this trend in comic books and games have been physically attacked. Mind you, it’s not that anyone objects to historical and comic book heroes being Hispanic, black or women, but that identity theft has occurred by self-righteous fanatics — none of them Hispanic, black or female themselves.

Imagine the furor if the movie “Black Panther” had white actors and actresses!

Mexican-Americans and African-Americans are equally guilty of cultural appropriation — of European and American cultures. The original Africans and Mesoamericans lived in Stone Age cultures. So, why are they driving cars or trucks, traveling in trains and flying in airlines?

Why are they using pens, telephones, cameras, computers, bulldozers, flashlights, garden hoses, lawnmowers, staplers, pencils, mirrors, toasters, TVs, radios, CD players, light bulbs or microwaves? Or playing sports like golf, tennis, baseball, football, soccer, badminton? They cannot be using electricity — that’s cultural appropriation!

Cultural appropriation can go both ways.

Armando Simón is the author of A Cuban from Kansas, A Prison Mosaic, Orlando Stories, Wichita Women, The Zapheads and Other Science-Fiction Stories.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of The Daily Caller.