
Trump Can Land His Border Wall If He Guarantees Mueller’s Job, Says Joe Lockhart

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Nick Givas Media And Politics Reporter
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Former Clinton White House press secretary Joe Lockhart said President Donald Trump can secure congressional funding for his border wall if he also includes protection for special counsel Robert Mueller.

“I do think there’s a deal to get out of all of this and I wish they would look at it,” Lockhart said on CNN’s “New Day” Friday. (RELATED: Former Clinton Press Secretary Joe Lockhart Compares Trump To A ‘Crime Boss’ On CNN)

“Trump wants some money for the wall. They can give him a little money,” he continued. “What Democrats and I think increasingly Republicans post this week want [sic] — is making sure that Mueller’s allowed to finish. They don’t want to get rid of Trump. If Trump needs to go for the wrong purposes, they want Mueller to do it for them. And if they could put those two things together, that Trump signs that bill and he gets some money for a border wall — we could get out of all of this.”

Lockhart said the chaos of the past week may be a turning point for the GOP and could be looked back on as the beginning of the end for Trump’s presidency.


“We may look back at this week and say this is when Republicans turned, this is when impeachment became real,” he said. “Impeachment is only real, not that they’re actually going to have a trial, but it becomes real if they stop supporting the president and they go down to the White House and tell the president, you’ve got to go.”

Co-host Alisyn Camerota asked Lockhart if he was advising Democrats to compromise with Trump on the border wall and he said it’s the best move they can make.

“If they can get protection for Mueller,” he replied. “Because without that, you know, we could have [Acting Attorney General] Matt Whitaker shut this thing down. A couple weeks ago people would have said Whitaker would never shut it down. I counter that with a couple week ago we would have said, we are pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan and [Defense Secretary James] Mattis quits? Anything’s possible.”

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