
Elizabeth Warren: Democrats Take Black Voters For Granted, Except ‘At Election Time’

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

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Democratic Massachusetts Senator and presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren said her fellow Democrats “talk about how important the black community is, at least at election time” during Friday night’s Democratic debates.


“I’m glad to stand on the stage with my fellow Democrats who talk about how important the black community is, at least at election time,” Warren said on Friday. “Year after year after year, and election after election after election, Democrats go to people in the black community and say, ‘Boy, we really care about these issues. Racism is terrible. We all want to do something.'”

Warren contended that “the problem just seems to keep getting worse” before calling for “concrete plans” that will “make a difference in people’s lives.”

Her solutions included a 2 percent wealth tax that could go toward canceling student loan debt, a proposal the Massachusetts senator said will “help close the black-white wealth gap by about 20 points.” (RELATED: Former NAACP Assistant Director Accuses Democrats Of ‘Pandering To Black Voters’ On Reparations)

“We aren’t making a difference in America,” she said. “We’re saying to the rich folks, ‘you keep your money and the rest of us will talk about racism, but not really do anything.’ I think the time for that is over.”