
Biden Says It Will Be ‘Incredibly More Difficult’ To Beat Trump If Bernie Is The Nominee

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Former Vice President Joe Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that the Democratic Party would have “an uphill climb” if they nominated Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Biden’s first appearance in months on any of the Sunday shows was a prerecorded interview for ABC’s “This Week,” given Friday just after the ABC-hosted debate in New Hampshire. (RELATED: Sanders Campaign Internal Data Looks Very Bad For Joe Biden)


Stephanopoulos pressed Biden on the fact that he had previously voiced concerns about the party lurching too far to the left, saying, “You’ve also talked about the risks of Democrats taking the label of ‘democratic socialism’ in a national election. Were you surprised that Amy Klobuchar was the only one who joined you in that concern?”

“No, I wasn’t surprised,” Biden replied. “I think it’s just the reality. I mean, look, I’m not putting the label on Bernie. Bernie calls himself a democratic socialist. Now, you’ve been around, George, as much as anybody. You’re gonna win with that label? You’re gonna help somebody in Florida win with the label ‘democratic socialist’?”

“It’s not — I didn’t put the label on Bernie, Bernie calls himself a democratic socialist,” Biden repeated, listing several states and regions where he believed that socialism would be an especially hard sell.

“So you think flat-out Democrats can’t defeat Donald Trump if they have to defend socialism,” Stephanopoulos prompted.

“I think it’s going to be incredibly more difficult. Look, if I don’t get the nomination and Bernie gets it, I’ll work like hell for him,” Biden added. “But I tell you what, it’s a bigger uphill climb.”