
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Claims, Without Evidence, That Trump’s Mental Health Is ‘Declining’

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Shelby Talcott Senior White House Correspondent
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MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell went on a rant Thursday evening about President Donald Trump’s mental health, claiming without evidence that the president is “in declining mental health.”

O’Donnell brought in a mental health professional to talk about Trump on “The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell” as the Coronavirus continues to spread. He claimed that the president’s mental health “could decline each day of the” Coronavirus.

“A former medical school professor of psychiatry, Dr. Lance Dodes, will join us to consider what it means to have a president in declining mental health in charge of protecting the public health of the United States of America,” O’Donnell said.


The MSNBC host continued to claim that the outbreak is “going to get worse for” Trump, adding that “the president will probably stay physically healthy throughout the crisis.” O’Donnell called Trump and his administration incompetent and said examples of this are “on dramatic and dangerous display every day now.”

“The president demonstrated in last night’s press conference that he has no idea how to deal with the Coronavirus crisis,” O’Donnell said. “He demonstrated a complete lack of comprehension of the dimensions of the crisis. He contradicted public health experts before and after they spoke as if he didn’t hear a word that they said.”

“And he made it very clear that he cares much, much more about the health of the stock market than the health of human beings.” (RELATED: Lawrence O’Donnell Floats Bombshell About Trump Taxes, Later Says Story Will Need ‘A Lot More Verification’)

O’Donnell and Dodes have joined a long list of doctors, on both sides of the political spectrum, attempting to diagnose politicians from afar.