
Black Bear Opens Vehicle’s Door And Jumps Right In

Black Bear (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1389811035897466883)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A black bear didn’t hesitate before jumping in a parked vehicle in a video making the rounds online.

In a video tweeted by ABC News (via Storyful), a black bear in Connecticut found a parked car at a house, and couldn’t help itself from checking out the situation. (SLIDESHOW: These Women On Instagram Hate Wearing Clothes)

It didn’t take long for the bear to open the passenger door and jump right in. Watch the incredible video below. (SLIDESHOW: 142 Times Josephine Skriver Barely Wore Anything)

In case this video didn’t already make it clear to everyone, black bears are reasonably smart animals. (SLIDESHOW: 71 Times Samantha Hoopes Stripped Down)

That animal didn’t waste a single second before finding a way into the parked vehicle. Now, imagine what would happen if you ran into that beast in the wild. (SLIDESHOW: This Blonde Bombshell Might Be The Hottest Model On The Internet)

It might not be a fun time. (SLIDESHOW: 60 Times Abigail Ratchford Wore Almost Nothing)

While I hate sharks and everything in the ocean, black bears have always held a soft spot in my heart. I’m not even sure why.

They’re just gigantic animals and they’re not nearly as vicious as grizzlies. Granted, you still don’t want to mess with them.

I think it’s safe to say this will be one of the best videos we see all day. There’s just something great about curious black bears.

H/T: Outkick