Police Confront Man With Rifle Outside Kenosha Courthouse

Screenshot/twitter/Brendan Gutenschwager

Gabrielle Temaat Contributor
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Police confronted a man carrying a rifle outside of Kenosha Courthouse, where the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is occurring, Wednesday.

“You’re within 1,000 feet of the school, which you cannot be with a rifle without a CCW. So if you want to be here, you’re going to have to put the rifle away,” one police officer told the man.

The man cooperated with police while surrounded by a swarm of reporters filming the incident. (RELATED: Rittenhouse Prosecutor Points Gun In Courtroom With Finger On The Trigger)

Several protesters and counter-protestors clashed outside the courthouse while jurors deliberated on the Rittenhouse case Tuesday. One man stood outside chanting “Black Lives Matter for pedophiles” through a megaphone, referring to the convicted pedophile that Kyle Rittenhouse is charged with killing. A counterprotestor smacked the megaphone out of the man’s hand. The same counter-protestor had also been seen chanting that Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization.