
White House Blames ‘Thousands’ Of UFOs On An Unexpected Source

Shutterstock/Joseph Sohm

Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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White House officials blamed the “thousands” of unidentified flying objects in the skies above America on used car salesmen during a Monday briefing.

“There are no UFOs. This is not an invasion of the aliens,” White House Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall told governors via a virtual briefing, audio of which was obtained by Fox News Digital. “I mean it’s funny, but it’s not funny, because people are communicating this on platforms that are widely viewed, and it’s creating fear that is unnecessary.”

Sherwood-Randall then claimed that most of the things flying over us are probably “used car lot balloons,” Fox reported. Recovery teams are still working to retrieve a number of strange airborne objects shot down over the continent, one of which was “octagonal” and some 20,000 feet above the ground.

As we all know, used car salesmen are notorious for using aircraft-shaped balloons, capable of being spotted at serious altitude, to get people to their lots. Not.

I don’t really know what’s worse, the idea that our military can’t identify an aircraft from a used car salesman’s decorations, or the fact our Homeland Security Advisor literally suggested this idea out loud. (RELATED: Scientists Have Bizarre Theory For When Aliens Might Try To Contact Us)

As the definition of “UFO” is still “unidentified flying object,” and the White House has not accurately identified the objects, Sherwood-Randall is wrong. These strange things are UFOs, and will remain as such until those working in the government decide to identify them accurately and let us know about them … I will not be holding my breath for anything substantial though.